Usurping Steals Across the Captial.

Daisy Anai skincare

Winter can be extra harsh on your skin so having good skincare is essential. Always keen to see what new products are available, we came across a new natural skincare company called Daisy Anai.


Created by beauty journalist and therapist Chantelle Azille, Daisy Anai skincare bring you quality organic goods to meet your skincare needs. The range includes calming floral waters for those with irritable skin and organic oils to help rehydrate dry skin. You are sure to find something to help with your skin needs. But why take our word for it? Try it for yourself.


Daisy Anai will be showcasing their goods at Old Spitafield market. So why not head down to sample the range of organic skincare and see how good it is for yourself. Chantelle and her team will be on hand to provide advice and tips which can help benefit you. You can also get a one-on-one consultation with Chantelle for FREE! (Our favorite word…)

Date: 1st February

Time: from 10am

Place: Old Spitafield market, EC1 6EW


For more information about Daisy Anai see the website www.daisyanai.co.uk or follow on twitter @daisyanai for the latest updates

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This entry was posted on January 29, 2014 by in The Beauty Steals, The Lifestyle Steals and tagged , , , .