Usurping Steals Across the Captial.

The Weekly Steals 12th-20th December

Every week Elle and I write a weekly feature for Spindle Magazine named ‘What’s On In London.’ Of course we publish it on the blog too! We don’t want you missing out any steals!

In the month of December it is inevitable to focus on almost anything other than Christmas. If you’re very organised or just over enthusiastic you may perhaps already be in the Christmas mood a month or more beforehand. I personally wait for December to hit the calendar, that way my spirit is righteous, because I’m in the right month.


So lets kick off this week with a HUGE steal, at one of A London Steal’s favourite places: Spitafields Market. This Thursday, 12th of December, they will host a one-day flash sale all across the market with exclusive discounts from the retailers involved who will be offering a variety of promotions! For example; FREE make-up from Benefit so you can glow at the Christmas office party and finally make your move on the gorgeous guy or girl who manages to make photocopying and stapling possibly the sexiest act in the world. There will be wine discounts from Bendales because you may well need some dutch courage to ask out said guy or girl or maybe just to handle the in-laws at your family dinner. Plus you can buy gift sets at Crabtree & Evelyn and there is 10% off at Oscar Milo. Want to get edgy? You got 10% off Bologaro Trevor and 15% Diverso Menswear. But us stealers aren’t just about the shopping, we are also intelligent beings who revel in art and fashion, and on this magical Thursday night the art and fashion markets will also be offering you Christmas specials! All of this laced together by mince pies, mulled wine and plenty of festive spirit and cheer. Opening times will be from 10am-7pm with FREE entry of course! You’d be a fool to miss it!

Members of The London Gypsy Orchestra on stage at Spitalfields.

Now this is hard to follow, but I need not go far because Old Spitafields Market has another steal up it’s sleeve. Oh yes, it is all cracking off here. The Spitafields Winter Festival has kicked off and will be kicking off till the 17th December. Earlier I catered to your shopping needs but now I give you music! And art! Now there are so many acts/events going on that I cannot possibly write them all down here but I can give you the important info. Prices range and start off at around £12 for adults BUT if you are a student they are around the £5 mark and if you’re under 26 they are around £9 so just under a tenner. Which is how we like to keep it. And there are FREE things too! Indulge in all sorts of music and art: Contemporary , Jazz, Classical and Romantic, Folk, World Music plus talks and debates, outdoor events and workshops. There are also family friendly events so you can all be together. Aaawww isn’t that nice?


Shopping, art and music are all very well but what is Christmas really about ey? Lets be honest, we all like to think we become slightly better people as we immerse ourselves in the Christmas spirit. Quite frankly I’d love to think that being joyful, helping others and enjoying the company of our closest ones is what we get excited about each December. (I could go into a critical piece here about how we should probably act like that all year round but then that isn’t what I’m here for today) But  what many of us really love about Christmas is scoffing our faces. Which leads me to my next steal: The Real Food Christmas Market. It is on from the 19th-22nd December with FREE entry of course! It’s at Southbank as always but this weekend it is special because there will be choirs providing a beautiful soundtrack to your culinary shopping/eating experience! Expect free-range, organic, hand-made, artisan, top quality delights! Accompanied by mulled wine and hot cider to keep you warm.


To round off I always like to push you towards a gig or two. Nothing like live music to make you feel warm and gooey inside. If you like your folk head down to The Ritzy in Brixton on Thursday 12th Dec, where Steve Folk hosts another Folk Modern Monthly Showcase from 8pm onwards (last entry is 11pm). It’s FREE! You can even spend the afternoon around Brixton Village, grab a bite to eat and then head over.

Have yourself a very Merry Christmas indeed and I’ll start looking out for how you can gracefully blend into the New Year as an ultimate stealer!

Words: Irune ‘Rue’ Chamberlain

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